Not in Kansas anymore

Well, actually I am. For another few weeks. Topeka, to be exact. Home of the crazy Phelps clan. It’s purgatory. I’m moving to San Francisco in a few long weeks.

I was getting my oil changed today. I sat in the lobby reading a magazine and a man came in wanting to buy tires. Michelin tires.

“They don’t still make these things in France, do they?” he asked.

“Nope,” the seller said. “I don’t think so. They got a plant in South Carolina.”

“Oh good,” the man said. “So I can continue my boycott of France. They don’t support us or our troops I’m not going to support them. Same as Target. I haven’t shopped at Target in years.”

Here’s to you Mr. Ignorant Bill O’Reilly viewer. Thanks for supporting France. And Gen. La Fayette would like a word with you.

wait.  what?

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