Losing the War on Terror
I’ve been saying for a while now that we’ve lost the war on terrorism. We lost it from day one when after the towers fell congress fell over itself trying to prove how tough we would be by stripping Americans of their rights. We’ve been over-reacting since day one and, nearly six years later, we’re still over-reacting. Boston was shut down yesterday due to an advertising campaign for a cartoon. Boston police even exploded one of the guys. And now Boston is complaining because they look stupid. They can’t even tell the difference between magnetic lights and a bomb.
I was in the army during 9-11 and for two years after. Fort Knox turned one of its main roads into a one-way road during the morning rush. Every ID card had to be checked, cars searched, it sometimes took an hour to get onto post. But I had the duty of going out to this road every morning at four to pull cones across the road and then monitor the road to make sure traffic flowed as smoothly as it could. I usually slept while listening to Howard Stern.
One morning I noticed a discarded Taco Bell bag on the road. I didn’t think anything of it and went to my position to sleep. An hour or two later I got a call on the radio that someone saw a suspicious bag on the road, that it was white and could be–gasp–ANTHRAX!!!!!
“No worries,” I told the radio. “It’s only a Taco Bell bag. I saw it this morning. I’ll go pick it up and throw it into the woods where it won’t bother so many people.”
“No no no,” the operations sergeant came over the radio. “We’re going to do this right. Shut down the road and let Haz-Mat take care of it.”
So we shut down the road. But the fire department must have overheard my radio traffic. One guy came out in their utility pick-up truck, threw the offending garbage in the back, and drove off.
We are a nation so easily terrorized. The terrorists won on the first day. They know this and haven’t done anything since. Only the misguided praise Bush for keeping us safe.