State of the Union
The president spoke tonight. The state of the union. I’m sure there will be a lot about it on the net. Fucking idiot. I don’t even care what he has to say. He’s a broken record. I guess he’s going to call for Americans to use less oil. I’m sure he’s said that before to much laughter and back-slapping.
The state of the union? Fucked up.
The other day, flying back to Iowa City, while waiting for my connection, I watched a basketball game. A woman bawled out the national anthem before play began and the last lines struck me as deliciously ironic. “The land of the free and home of the brave.” That morning, I took off my shoes and emptied all liquids while unsmiling men and women went through my bags and eyed me suspiciously. Is he trying to bring down a plane? Check his shoes again!
Land of the free? Home of the brave? That’s the dangerous September 10th mindset.
Land of the police. Home of the cowering. The new America.
And they only had to kill 3000 of us.