Fark Headlines

After a few years of lurking, I signed up for fark.com. For those of you unfamiliar with the site, it’s news of the weird with member submitting headlines for strange or funny stories and then people discuss the story. Popular this week was the whole Boston freak-out. Here are my fark greenlights. Less than 5% go green.

Drunk goes all Tacoma Narrows on local bridge. $300,000 automatically added to bar tab

Town clarifies its norms: Do not set women on fire. Wow, Canada really is different

No longer satisfied with deer heads, eagles try to eat a paraglider

Less than 15% of voters vote in special election. But “the people have spoken”

You can’t smoke weed, watch “Girls Gone Wild” and drive the bus at the same time

And my redlights–rejected links. Linked to original article.

[scary] Snow shuts down Columbus schools

[scary] Police shoot man trying to get them off his farking lawn

[ironic] In Africa there are consequences for allowing a genocide

[hero] 1: Senate directs FCC to resolve media slapfight to ensure 250,000 Americans can watch the Super Bowl. 2: Halftime. 3: Profit

[sad] Taking the “armed tax collector” role to its logical conclusion–Police tell business it must contract for protection after bomb threat

[obvious] Balkans still confounding the Great Powers

[scary] Seeing how well it works with pipes, man tries to thaw girlfriend with blowtorch

[cool] Stay the fark off my lawn–Seniors pass wisdom onto students

[stupid] O’Reilly still whining because no one will answer his questions

[scary] Sadr flees to Iran. U.S. Army to follow

[Hero] Stoners foil police as bank teller returns pot to pizza delivery driver before calling cops

[Unlikely] The tubes shocking teens with porn

[Strange] Gambian president can cure Aids, but only on Thursdays

keep farkin’

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