All that doesn’t matter

The United States has made Iraq unlivable. According to the BBC, 50,000 Iraqis flee their homeland every month, over 3.8 million people have scattered since the war started. This isn’t surprising. Bombs go off at random killing anyone in the area. Going to get some bread for your family has turned deadly in Iraq. FoxNews likes to ask people who disagree with the war, “So, you would rather have Saddam in power?” (It’s a fallacy people. Either or. Your small little world may be in black and white. But the rest of us live in a world of grey.) But yes. At least 50,000 people weren’t leaving Iraq every month with another thousand or so killed under Saddam. (A thousand here, a thousand there, and pretty soon, you’re talking about real people.) But the United States has broken the country. One would think we have a responsibility to help. And in our benevolence, only today, the U.S. has announced it will take in only 7,000 refugees in the next year. This, at least, is a step forward from last year when we only allowed 463 refugees into the country. Man, we suck. Hopefully the world will be rid of us soon.

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