Oh Stanford
What the fuck? Stanford University has just hired the war criminal Donald Rumsfeld. He will spend a year at the university as a fellow “examining national security and world peace in the post 9-11 era.” World peace? Seriously?
“‘Don has had immense experience in public service and has much to contribute to society as a result,’ said the institution’s director, John Raisian.”
Over three thousand American kids and countless Iraqis have been killed because of Rumsfeld and company. We’ll never know what they could have contributed to society. But Rumsfeld has nothing to contribute. He should crawl into a hole somewhere and die. But now he’s “thinking, writing, and advising on important matters of public policy” at a once prestigious American university.
Fuck fuck fuck. I’m banging my head against a wall. I can hardly stand this place anymore.
addendum: my fark greenlight: [ironic] Rumsfeld to teach world peace at Stanford
Yeah, I’m still picking my jaw up off the floor. I thought it was a joke at first, some sort of sick April Fools prank. But alas…
drew - September 9th, 2007 at 1:23 amEveryday is April Fools day here in America. FEMA director Brown, Attorney General Gonzales, Department of Homeland Security. It’s like a bad novel.
robert - September 9th, 2007 at 2:29 am