Michael Moore was recently on The Colbert Report (Video). He was on the show to talk about his recent row with CNN. Moore was ambushed by Wolf Blitzer on The Situation Room by a piece put together by Dr. Gupta highlighting “inaccuracies” in Moore’s new movie Sicko. Moore wanted to know what pharmaceutical company’s ad was running on the next break.
Now I haven’t watched this movie yet. It’s still in limited release and, quite frankly, I don’t have any money. But I’ve seen Moore and others talking about it on TV and the Internet. From what I’ve been able to gather, Moore isn’t happy with the state of health care in America. He’s especially furious about insurance companies and their ability to deny care. And I also understand that Sicko is one of Moore’s most popular films yet. Maybe not popular in monetary terms, but popular in the fact that all American’s seem to agree with Moore’s thesis–our health care system is broken and needs to be fixed. But I like how CNN and their ilk have been disparaging the movie. Calling it one-sided and inaccurate. Moore contends that shows like Blitzer’s can’t possibly be objective when they’re bought and paid for by pharmaceutical companies, by insurance companies. And he’s right.
And I’m especially disturbed at recent events at my brand new alma mater the University of Iowa. The university is considering whoring out its college of public health for fifteen million dollars to an insurance company. The suspiciously named Wellmark Foundation offered this generous donation. But it wants naming rights. And its chosen name is Wellmark Blue Cross, Blue Shield College of Public Health. This would give the University of Iowa the dubious distinction of being one of the very few colleges in America with a corporate sponsor.
Sicko indeed.